Dienstag, 4. April 2017

Team Build with Remote Powershell Cross Domain

I ran into a series of issues when trying to establish a release pipeline in TFS where the build agent is located in the company domain whereas the target server is inside a DMZ-domain. I tried to run the "Run Powershell on Remote Machine" from the company domain build agent computer with a target machine located in the DMZ domain. I do not memorize all the errors I got in detail, but they were all around "WinRM, Could not process request, Kerboros, No authentication Server, Host not found".

Basically the problem comes down to open a remote powershell session. So if this succeeds when logged in to the company domain build agent computer and you connect to srv.mydmz.de being the target server in the dmz-domain:

    -ComputerName "srv.mydmz.de" 
    -Credential mydmz\username

then your build / release Task "Run Powershell on Remote Machine" should succeed as well. This is useful for testing purposes because you do not need to create a release definition upfront and create a release every time you try to get things up and running.

I found the steps to solve my problem in a blog post from Christopher Hunt, but I want to stress out on thing that I got wrong from many other blog posts providing the same solution.

The solution is rather simple. On the build agent computer and on the target DMZ computer run: 

WinRM Quickconfig 

Then, log in to the build agent computer and run this from an elevated command prompt:

Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value "srv.mydmz.de" 

This adds the target server located in the DMZ as trusted host on the company domain joined build agent computer. Then the above command to open a remote powershell succeeded for me where it formerly failed. So a release definition like this should work then if the build agent computer is configured as stated above:

Release Definition executing a powershell across domains

So, call me dumb, but here is the thing I always got wrong until now: you have to add the DMZ-Server as trusted host on the company domain joined server, not the other way round.

To me it appeared more logical that the computer being called (the DMZ-server), i. e. where the remote powershell executes stuff, should trust the computer calling it (the company domain joined server). So I repeatedly tried the Set-Item-Command on the DMZ-Server setting the domain joined build agent computer as the trusted host.

Now that my incompetence in this case is revealed, maybe it might save others some time :-)

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